The New Order The New Order
This album has an average beat per minute of 120 BPM (slowest/fastest tempos: 80/155 BPM).
BPM Profile The New Order
Album starts at 130BPM, ends at 146BPM (+16), with tempos within the 80-155BPM range.
(Try refreshing the page if dots are missing)
Tracklist The New Order
1130 BPM
2107 BPM
3140 BPM
4118 BPM
588 BPM
6155 BPM
793 BPM
8107 BPM
9139 BPM
1080 BPM
1190 BPM
12109 BPM
13130 BPM
14120 BPM
15146 BPM
16129 BPM
17130 BPM
1888 BPM
19125 BPM
20128 BPM
21130 BPM
22122 BPM
23120 BPM
24123 BPM
25129 BPM
26123 BPM
27130 BPM
28124 BPM
29146 BPM