The W***** B*** Album The Residents
This album has an average beat per minute of 98 BPM (slowest/fastest tempos: 70/147 BPM).
BPM Profile The W***** B*** Album
Album starts at 70BPM, ends at 111BPM (+41), with tempos within the 70-147BPM range.
(Try refreshing the page if dots are missing)
Tracklist The W***** B*** Album
170 BPM
284 BPM
371 BPM
470 BPM
570 BPM
681 BPM
779 BPM
8147 BPM
970 BPM
1084 BPM
11117 BPM
1284 BPM
13117 BPM
1484 BPM
15117 BPM
1684 BPM
17117 BPM
18122 BPM
1984 BPM
2097 BPM
21119 BPM
22107 BPM
2397 BPM
24107 BPM
25107 BPM
26107 BPM
27107 BPM
28107 BPM
29107 BPM
30107 BPM
31110 BPM
32111 BPM
3398 BPM
3497 BPM
35111 BPM
36111 BPM