Leichengott Poland


2 bands under the name Leichengott: 1- Leichengott (POL): Fast & raw Black Metal from Olsztyn, Poland. Formed in 2003. Discography: C.N.R. (Demo) [self released, 2004] Reh 2004 (demo) [self released, 2004] Psalmy Przeklenstwa (demo) [Hail Satan 666 Prod, 2006] split with Crepusculum [Hail Satan 666 Prod, 2007] Cyrograf [Flagellum Haereticorum, 2009] Ostrza EP, [TBA, 2009] Website: http://www.lchg666.glt.pl/ -------------------------------------

We don't have any song for this artist yet, sorry.
Come back in a few weeks, it's more than likely that a debut album will be released soon.