Ordo Obsidium United States


Mysterious, doomed black metal from the Bay Area. Their debut, 'Orbis Tertius' was released on Eisenwald Tonschmiede on October, 10th, 2011. Their second album, 'A Crooked Path to Desolation' features line-up changes and a stylistic shift toward a unique blend of black, death, and doom metal. 'A Crooked Path...' Line-up: Incitatus - Guitars, Bass, Vox Balan - Guitars, Bass, Vox, Keyboards (Palace of Worms) Sokol - Vocals (Badr Vogu) Otrebor - Drums (Botanist)

We don't have any song for this artist yet, sorry.
Come back in a few weeks, it's more than likely that a debut album will be released soon.