Wędrujący Wiatr Poland


W?druj?cy Wiatr (English translation: "Wandering Wind") is an atmospheric black metal duo from Rabka-Zdrój / Olsztyn, Poland formed in 2011. The band's name is pronounced, more or less, like "Vendrooyontsee Vyatr". Their debut album titled "Tam, gdzie Miesi?c op?akuje ?wit" was released in 2013 on Werewolf Promotion. It contains elements of folk and field recordings of nature environments. Their lyrical themes deal with Polish folklore, night, nature, and legends. Members: Razor - drums, vocals, keyboards W. - guitars, bass, lyrics

We don't have any song for this artist yet, sorry.
Come back in a few weeks, it's more than likely that a debut album will be released soon.