Unjoy Finland


Unjoy is a depressive black metal band from Tampere (Finland), created in 2009 by 'U. Morbid' and 'Hopeless'. The name 'Unjoy' comes from Kim Carlsson's (Hypothermia et cetera) label Insikt, as Unjoy was used for the CD and vinyl section of the label. The band released their first EP, called 'Worthless Life End' in 2010 through Self Mutilation Services on CD. Lyrical themes surround depression, self-hatred and suicide. U. Morbid is also active in Fornicatus, Photophobia, Tunes of Despair and (the split-up) Dead.

We don't have any song for this artist yet, sorry.
Come back in a few weeks, it's more than likely that a debut album will be released soon.